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I am sweet, ambitious and thoughtful

Username: Pitbull233

Country: United States

City: Columbus - Ohio

Date of Birth: 26th-April-1957

Age: 67

Height: 5 feet 8 inches/172cm

Weight: 155 lbs (70.3 kg)

More About Me

Self Description and Interests
I spend time every day doing many things. My routine looks like this; Wakeup and take my first cup of coffee and the Scripture. Workout and process email for an hour but it’s an option. Block out 3 hours for Mind and Body Refresh - includes some personal development, nap, lunch, fitness, meditation, etc. It is time I focus on myself. Spend the evening chatting with friends and love ones but i spend my evening with you because i think we are planning sometime more than friendship. My routine varies and changes but this is the main highlights and the things that are repeated day in and out. Each day I have a theme that I work on. I also do a weekly review which helps me determine what I got done, what I need to get done and where I should be focusing my attention on. This will determine what I need to do on theme days.
Passion, interests and hobbies
I like to travel to explore different cultures, volunteering, community service or charity work, sports such as competing on a team or in a league, hiking or other exercises like the gym, swimming, creative arts, including writing, music, painting, and crafts, cooking or gardening and I love nature. I’m very organized, my room is elegant, and everything in it has a place where it should be. I don’t like parties or social events. I'm personalized as fresh, cute, loyal, sweet, friendly, mysterious, unique, and determined yet impetuous and sensitive. My presence can quickly lighten up the whole room. I'm always myself and never let anyone tell me what I can or cannot be
Type of women seeking
You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.
Relationship Status
Have Children
Children not living with me
My Ethnicity
Eye Color
Hair Color
Bachelors degree
Drinking Habit
Do not drink
Smoking Habit
Do not smoke
Want children